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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default It's that time of year..... fruit cake

On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 4:11:39 PM UTC-10, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> >
> >I used to make fruitcake with my mom. It was the only activity that we did together.
> >These days I don't make fruitcake but I'm glad that I got to spend that time with
> >my mom because it was our time exclusively.

> That's very weird, are you certain that was your mother... I did more
> activities with my mom than I can think of all at once... we cooked
> many things together practically every day, we'd go out to eat
> together, we went to movies together, we visited lots of museums,
> zoos, and botanical gardens, and a lot more together, broadway shows,
> concerts, even the planetarium. Are you saying you didn't watch TV
> with your mom... who helped with your school homework? For as far
> back as I can remember my mome read to me every night, she taught me
> to read, by the time I was three years old I was reading at today's
> high school level. In 1949 my mom bought me a complete 24 volume set
> of Britannica, before I was ten years old I read every word cover to
> cover, including the atlas.

Obviously, we did other things together. Baking the fruitcake was special. Other than that, I don't really remember much about my childhood.