"First Lady Melania Trump"
On 2016-11-11 8:35 AM, Nancy2 wrote:
> I was speaking specifically of the. White. House. I said it earlier. Does she know any
> in-depth history of the national historic landmark in which she will be living? That is
> why I said I hope she is a fast learner.
What's there to know that most Americans have not learned from movies
and television? The land was founded by people who looking for
religious freedom, though the first permanent colony was established by
an extremist sect as religious colony. They invaded Canada in 1812 to
annex it to the US and won the war even though they failed in their
aims. The won WWI almost single-handed, even though they spent only
about 6 months fighting in a war that had been going on for four years
and then saved Europe from having to speak German after sitting that
war out for more than two years.
Outsiders sometimes know more about the real history than the people who
live there.
Most of us don't have that kind of knowledge,
> including me, and would have to do some studying in order to properly appreciate it.
> As to the matter of taste: have you seen photos of the interior of Donald's NY
> apartment? As overdone and garish as Versailles... No, maybe worse.
> N.