Ping:: Jill - Japanese sweet potatoes
On 11/10/2016 9:58 PM, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 19:43:44 -0500, Nancy Young
> > wrote:
>> I think of them as red, myself. If you do find them, I hope you
>> like it, but you never know. Some woman at Delicious Orchards asked
>> me about them. I said I love them, they remind me a lot of chestnuts.
>> She said I hate chestnuts and we had a laugh. No red sweet potatoes
>> for her.
> Maybe that's why it's not at the top of my sweet potato list... I
> don't like chestnuts either.
I just love them. Likely related to fond memories of buying
them on the street in Manhattan. Now I still buy them if I see
them but they are always dried out and burnt now. Not that I'm
there much at all.