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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default It's that time of year..... fruit cake

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On Fri, 11 Nov 2016 14:05:23 -0000, "Ophelia" >

>"graham" wrote in message news >
>On 11/11/2016 2:34 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "graham" wrote in message news >> On 11/10/2016 2:56 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> I made mine today. I went out yesterday and got the raisins, glazed red
>>> and green cherries, pineapple, eggs, butter, flour..... I got up this
>>> morning and set the two pounds of butter out to soften up and mid
>>> morning I got started. Things seemed to work smoothly.
>>> After I put the first batch into the oven and started preparing the
>>> second batch I realized that I had forgotten to add the vanilla in the
>>> first batch. Perhaps it will not be a big a problem. I always douse the
>>> cakes with a lot of brandy. I am thinking that I can add some vanilla to
>>> the brandy that I use on the first batch of four cakes. It will be
>>> wrapped up and put into the freezer for a month and a half.

>> There's absolutely no need to freeze the cakes. I have always stored
>> mine in a cool cupboard in the basement. All that sugar and brandy will
>> prevent mould.
>> ===
>> +1 Plus it allows them to mellow beautifully.

>One year I baked about 8 cakes for presents and sent a couple to my
>parents and sister in the UK, the long surface postage giving them time
>to mature. That was in the days when our postage rates were reasonable.
>I also used a hypodermic to inject them with Grand Marnier:-)
>LOL same here but I always used rum)

I like rum too, or brandy. I don't make one anymore as I would eat it
I have an arrangement with a friend, I knit a mouse that I stuff
with home grown catnip for his cat and he gives me an individual dark
fruit cake.


Sounds like a good trade)
