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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default How do you pronounce spaetzle?

"Cindy Hamilton" wrote in message

On Friday, November 11, 2016 at 11:56:48 AM UTC-5, Nancy2 wrote:
> My German great-grandma said, "shpetz-ul," with a short "e."
> That is the only I have ever heard it, around here in German-background
> country.

Amazingly, German has regional accents. How a given German pronounces
things depends on where he's from.

Shpate-zleh is about as close as I can come to reproducing how
I was taught to prounounce รค (a-umlaut). It's somewhere
between a long 'a' and a short 'e'.

Cindy Hamilton


In the parts of Germany with which I am familiar, that is exactly the way
they pronounce it.
