"First Lady Melania Trump"
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"First Lady Melania Trump"
In article >,
> I was speaking specifically of the. White. House. I said it earlier. Does she know any
> in-depth history of the national historic landmark in which she will be living?
Why does she need to know it fast? She's got four years to find out.
It's not as if she will be responsible for any housekeeping, maintenance
or gardening.
That is
> why I said I hope she is a fast learner. Most of us don't have that kind of knowledge,
> including me, and would have to do some studying in order to properly appreciate it.
> As to the matter of taste: have you seen photos of the interior of Donald's NY
> apartment?
Yes:-) I actually felt sorry for him (and her). Where's the homelife
comfort after work? Can you imagine poor little Barron pottering about
in his pyjamas and dropping crumbs, or having his pals over to play?
>As overdone and garish as Versailles... No, maybe worse.
At least Versailles has some excuse; a royal palace, the home of
kings, the seat of the Court ; naturally it's on a major scale of
But for a businessman to decorate his highrise flat like a Las Vegas
brothel, words fail.....
Janet UK
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