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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default "First Lady Melania Trump"

On 2016-11-11 11:37 AM, Bruce wrote:

>> I don't think the "country" treats them second class but some of its
>> citizens certainly do. It has gotten better but will still take
>> generations to go away. How about those Aborigines?

> I wonder what the average "black" income is vs the average "white"
> income. Or education level. Or life expectancy. Or neighbourhood. Or...
> Aborigines are doing no better.

I work on the assumption that anyone who is truly bigoted is a truly
equal opportunity hater and they dislike everyone of different races.
When you look at incomes, education levels and other indications of
success, whites are not always at the top of the later. For some
reason, blacks and natives tend to be at the bottom of the ladder. That
leaves me wondering about the cause and effect issues. Heaven forbid we
acknowledge that sometimes there are reasons for stereotypes and that
sometimes there are people doing their damnedest to live up to (down to)
the stereotype.