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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Ping:: Jill - Japanese sweet potatoes

On 11/11/2016 4:42 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >, says...
>> On 11/11/2016 10:20 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> On 11/10/2016 9:58 PM, sf wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 10 Nov 2016 19:43:44 -0500, Nancy Young
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> I think of them as red, myself. If you do find them, I hope you
>>>>> like it, but you never know. Some woman at Delicious Orchards asked
>>>>> me about them. I said I love them, they remind me a lot of chestnuts.
>>>>> She said I hate chestnuts and we had a laugh. No red sweet potatoes
>>>>> for her.
>>>> Maybe that's why it's not at the top of my sweet potato list... I
>>>> don't like chestnuts either.
>>> I just love them. Likely related to fond memories of buying
>>> them on the street in Manhattan. Now I still buy them if I see
>>> them but they are always dried out and burnt now. Not that I'm
>>> there much at all.
>>> nancy

>> I've always wanted to like them. It's the imagery. Since I didn't grow
>> up where they were roasting chestnuts on a street corner in the winter,
>> I'll never know what really good roasted chestnuts taste like. <shrug>

> You can roast them just as well at home, in the oven. We do every year
> when they are in season. Just stick a sharp knife in the skin to stop
> them exploding, spread them on a tray and bake hot for 10 mins. Some
> will explode anyway. Tip them on a plate, make a little pile of salt,
> and start burning your fingers as you prise off the skins ( a knife
> helps) dip the hot nut in salt and eat. Yummy.
> Out of season I buy them cooked peeled and vacuum packed from the
> smkt.
> Janet UK

My mother bought chestnuts some time in the 1970's. We roasted them in
the fireplace. Yes, she cut a X in the shell to keep them from
bursting. I suspect they were old chestnuts. Either that or we
(Mom, Dad, middle brother and I) simply don't like chestnuts.
