I've come to the conclusion that once you qualify for Social Security
(age 62) yer "fruitcake mode" suddenly switches on and you can
instantly tolerate fruitcake. Who knew!?
I've hated fruitcake all my life. Then, while caring fer my mom, I
turned 62 and suddenly loved fruitcake. Astonishing.
Now, I'll buy/eat any ol' brand. Jes bought a Claxton Old Fashioned
FruitCake. One pound fer about $6. I eat that poly-vinyl candied
fruit like I actually like 'em. Weird.
That San Francico made panetonne I started a thread on and no one
answered? I bought one. Thirt-two dollars fer the cake, $20 fer the
shipping. I'll let you know if it was worth it.