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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default Geezers and fruitcake

On Saturday, November 12, 2016 at 4:04:25 PM UTC-5, notbob wrote:
> I've come to the conclusion that once you qualify for Social Security
> (age 62) yer "fruitcake mode" suddenly switches on and you can
> instantly tolerate fruitcake. Who knew!?
> I've hated fruitcake all my life. Then, while caring fer my mom, I
> turned 62 and suddenly loved fruitcake. Astonishing.
> Now, I'll buy/eat any ol' brand. Jes bought a Claxton Old Fashioned
> FruitCake. One pound fer about $6. I eat that poly-vinyl candied
> fruit like I actually like 'em. Weird.
> That San Francico made panetonne I started a thread on and no one
> answered? I bought one. Thirt-two dollars fer the cake, $20 fer the
> shipping. I'll let you know if it was worth it.
> nb

I liked fruitcake when I was a child, but I dislike it now (except
my own, made with dried rather than candied fruit).

I'm not 62 yet, so the jury's still out. BTW, I will be 66.5 before
I can qualify for Social Security.

Cindy Hamilton