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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Geezers and fruitcake

On 11/13/2016 8:27 AM, Gary wrote:

> - this was interesting to find out. I have a friend age 84 here (He's
> well preserved. I always guessed he was maybe 70 or so. Anyway, he took
> SS at age 62. A year or two later, he got offered a really good job. He
> was able to cancel his SS retirement and put it off until a later time
> in his life. They let him do this but he had to pay back all that he had
> received so far. His new job was worth taking out a loan and paying them
> back and then filing at a later age where he now gets more per month for
> life.

That was a way to boost your SS but it has been eliminated under new

I started collecting at 66 but worked full time for a few years. The
extra money was used for some major home improvements. I've since cut
back my work and pay. I'm going to cut again but was asked to maintain
my schedule until the owner gets back from Florida in April and my
replacement knows more.

Still adding to my 401k too. I'll start drawing from it in another year
or so. Everyone is different and has different needs. It would be
easier to plan if you knew when you were going to die.