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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Oh My Gawd...What Hath The Silent Majority Wrought?

On 2016-11-13 7:48 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/13/2016 6:10 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2016-11-13 2:55 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> You're missing the point, why would you vote for a draft dodger? I
>>>> wouldn't, especially if that person got out of serving because their
>>>> Daddy could afford to make sure life continued as normal for them.
>>> Your children are being educated by draft dodgers too. Teaching was a
>>> popular college major to avoid the draft. Some of your doctors are
>>> draft dodgers too. Do you avoid them also? Ministers?

>> Think of it the way Trump explained how he could make billions of
>> dollars and not have to pay tax. He was smarter than the guys who
>> went. evader and draft evader. It is a good thing for him
>> and his apparent willingness to swing a big stick that there are people
>> willing to enlist and others willing to pay taxes to pay for them to
>> serve.

> He followed the law, like it or not. The law needs changing.

Apparently he did follow the law. The fact that a man can "lose" enough
money to not have to pay income tax for years and years and still be a
billionaire should indicate that the law needs to be changed. He used a
loophole to avoid paying income tax when he has a a lot more money than
a lot of working Joes who do pay their taxes, but he is not classified
as a tax evader. Yet, any man who got a deferral from the draft because
he was attending university and getting a degree is technically a draft
> Disclosu I was going to enlist in the Navy. When i registered for
> the draft I was not categorized 1A so I had little chance of serving.
> For that reason, i did not enlist. The government thought what I was
> doing was more important than the service so I did not argue.

We have no draft here. I applied to the army. I went through the tests.
the medical and the interviews. I had my last interview on a Wednesday.
I had an interview with Canada Manpower on Thursday, Manpower called me
Friday to tell me I had the job and to report to work on Monday. The
army called me at my new job to tell me I was accepted and to report for
training in Chilliwack in two weeks. I turned it down.