Scoan v. sconne
On 2016-11-13 7:54 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> The anti-nuke people make it tough to do that. No one wants pollution
> from carbon based fuel, they don't like the looks of wind farms, they
> don't want nukes, don't want to build hydro dams. Let the power go out
> for 10 minutes and they will bitch about the poor service.
Too true. FWIW, there was a lot of opposition to a wind farm in the
township just west of here, but it went ahead. Now I know why they call
them farms. In a period of about 6 months they put up more than 100 huge
turbines at a cost of about $6 million a pop. They sure do affect the
view. Then there is the power lines set up to ship the power to the
people who don't want them in their backyards.