What Are Mass/Weight Equivalents for Small, Medium and LargeIngredients (ie Fruits and Vegetables)
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What Are Mass/Weight Equivalents for Small, Medium andLargeIngredients (ie Fruits and Vegetables)
> I can't be the only person who, while reading a recipe, wonders what is meant when the author describes an ingredient as small, medium, large, etc. Some are easy enough (eggs, for example) but too many things are open to interpretation. How large is a large banana? I've seen many bananas and some are quite large, some are large, some could be large and others are, 'yeah, that's a large.'
> Is there a conversion tool somewhere 'out there' one could use to get a better interpretation of these ambiguous measurements? I realize that in many cases a 'best guess' will usually be sufficient but sometimes a specialized diet might require the cook to be more precise. I've found several limited sources but it's a bit of a pain trying to keep them all straight.
> Anyone?
IMO, just use what you have and don't worry about the little difference
in size. Cooking is fairly flexible.
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