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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default What Are Mass/Weight Equivalents for Small, Medium andLargeIngredients (ie Fruits and Vegetables)

On 2016-11-14 6:47 PM, cshenk wrote:
> xmdp wrote in
>> On Monday, November 14, 2016 at 3:16:31 PM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> On Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:13:35 -0800 (PST),
>>> wrote:
>>>> I can't be the only person who, while reading a recipe, wonders
>>>> what is meant when the author describes an ingredient as small,
>>>> medium, large, etc. Some are easy enough (eggs, for example) but
>>>> too many things are open to interpretation. How large is a large
>>>> banana? I've seen many bananas and some are quite large, some
>>>> are large, some could be large and others are, 'yeah, that's a
>>>> large.'
>>>> Is there a conversion tool somewhere 'out there' one could use to
>>>> get a better interpretation
>>> Cooking by it's very nature us always a matter of interpretation.
>>> I just put up a large pot of pot roast... I didn't measure anything.
>>> Now I'm going to pour myself a well earned drink of ice, fresh
>>> lemon, diet Sprite, and the world's finest vodka (CP), no
>>> measuring... naturally I have a vernier caliper app imbedded in my
>>> optic nerve.
>>>> of these ambiguous measurements? I realize that in many cases a
>>>> 'best guess' will usually be sufficient but sometimes a
>>>> specialized diet might require the cook to be more precise. I've
>>>> found several limited sources but it's a bit of a pain trying to
>>>> keep them all straight.
>>>> Anyone?

>> Yes, of course, cooking is a matter of interpretation. My question
>> was one of special dietary needs such as cooking for diabetics, etc,
>> who have a need to know fairly accurately what and how much they eat.
>> An example is a medium banana is supposed to be about 100 grams but
>> I'm betting half the readers here could show me a medium banana and
>> maybe none of them are 100 grams. if the medium banana was for me,
>> I'd eat 2 of them but my sick charge is on;y permitted to eat half of
>> a medium banana. So, is it <---this big--->, <------this big------>
>> or <--this big-->?

> Please use some common sense. You weigh out the amount the person is
> allowed and use that. If your charge is allowed 100grams, weigh it.

Yes. Please use common sense. He posted his stupid question under one
name and then stage 2 was under a second name.