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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default What Are Mass/Weight Equivalents for Small, Medium and LargeIngredients (ie Fruits and Vegetables)

On 11/14/2016 5:48 PM, xmdp wrote:

> Yes, of course, cooking is a matter of interpretation. My question was one of special dietary needs such as cooking for diabetics, etc, who have a need to know fairly accurately what and how much they eat. An example is a medium banana is supposed to be about 100 grams but I'm betting half the readers here could show me a medium banana and maybe none of them are 100 grams. if the medium banana was for me, I'd eat 2 of them but my sick charge is on;y permitted to eat half of a medium banana. So, is it <---this big--->, <------this big------> or <--this big-->?

Medium banana is 100 grams. Get a small digital scale and whack off
what you need.