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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

On 2016-11-17 7:02 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 2:42:11 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> Instead of complaining, do something useful to make things better
> for someone else, and stop thinking about yourself for a few minutes.
> There. Now I feel better. Thanks for the opportunity--you really
> have made things better for someone else.

Sometimes they just like to protest. I saw an excellent example of that
in a video posted online. A group of students was protested at the base
of a set of stairs while their fearless leader was partway up the
staircase addressing his mini crowd. Some guy came running down the
stairs and knocked him fling. Some of the students grabbed the guy and
roughed him up a little. There were some cops present and they grabbed
the guy and hauled them off. Now the leader/victim is whining about the
cops arresting the man, claiming that he suffers from Aspergers and was