Thread: Scoan v. sconne
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Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] is offline
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Default Scoan v. sconne

In article >, sf
> wrote:

> The only time wind farms could be a problem is if they are put in
> migratory flight paths and most birds fly higher than that. In any
> case, there's more to wind turbines than the windmill style.
and from yet another bogus "fact checker"
Which says:
"Trump said that in California, windmills are killing hundreds and
hundreds of eagles. The best estimate is that about 100 golden eagles
die each year from collisions with wind turbine blades. The data are
not perfect, but the people most concerned about the welfare of the
eagles do not go along with Trumpšs figure."

So, as I said, they're bird grinders. All kinds of birds. Rest assured
that the bloody facts are hidden from us for political reasons.

And from your provided links, wind turbines are deadly works of art and
a "pave the earth" technology with some functionality but at what cost
to a environmental lobby that turns a blind eye to the slaughter? The
end justifies the means. Gotta break a few eggs, etc.

> What beef do you have with solar collectors?

None for ones on a roof that the occupant paid for. Plenty for any that
I subsidize but get no benefit from. That ought to make sense.
Oh... Wait! I didn't even know this was going on. Thanks for the

I love birds. I've shot my share of edible ones. But what I did is on a
microscopic level compared to the slaughter that green energy provides.
I tried my best to give what you might consider liberal or neutral
links here. There were plenty of others. Ain't Google great!

Your Paleolithic pal,
