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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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On 11/18/2016 7:49 AM, Gary wrote:

> I have 2 questions for you about this. I'm just trying to understand
> your thinking.
> 1) What harm do they do to your property? I lived in a house for many
> years on about one acre of land. I had o'possoms living there (at least
> one anyway). Never caused a problem and I rarely saw it.

Some animals are benign. Other carry disease, fleas, ticks and destroy
food in gardens. A few will destroy property.

> 2) Since you catch them in animal friendly traps, why not just take a
> drive and relocate them into a remote area? That at least gives them a
> chance to keep on living.

Maybe. You can also be taking them to a place where they will starve to
death. Or they may be a predator that kills off the natural habitat.
In some cases, the animal never should have been introduced and they
upset the ecology of the area.
> Also, if you are bound and determined to kill them, you should at least
> eat them. They might taste good???

We're spoiled. We eat a limited number of animals that come in parts
from the supermarket. In some areas of the world they eat rats. A few
in the parts of the world will still eat squirrel, opossum

> A gun shot to the head is a humane way to kill. Drowning is a horrible
> way to do it. Ever hear of waterboarding torture which the whole world
> condemns as evil?

Agree a gunshot would be swift. Not sure that waterboarding, designed
to torture, not kill, is a good comparison. It is as much psychological
as physical. We need a volunteer to do both and let us know if the real
drowning is the same as the torture.