On 11/18/2016 12:47 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>> You really don't put much thought into your political posts. Beaucoup
>> emotion. Zero logic. I love your cooking posts. Keep those up!
>> leo
> My guess is that you haven't noticed the rage that has been building up for the last 8 years. Yoose should see the view at
> street level. It wasn't pretty.
> The trouble with yoose guys is that you think that by insulting the poster, you invalidate the idea. I calls that zero logic.
> My reasoning and cooking is pretty much impeccable. This was written a few months ago. As usual, I was spot on.
> "The last 16 years have been just swell. We can choose to have more of
> the same or we can opt for something a little more exciting. In the last
> 8 years, America has seen the greatest social change since the War for
> States Rights (as our friends down South might say.) 2017 could be the
> year we blow everything up. Everybody says "it can't happen here" but
> they're going to have to eat those words.
The only thing being blown up is massive systemic corruption.
About time, doncha think?