Thread: Scoan v. sconne
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Scoan v. sconne

graham wrote:
>Domestic cats are far and away the biggest killer of birds.

What an UNeducated imbecile, you don't even define WHICH birds...
domestic cats are no match for birds of prey (raptors). waterfowl, and
other large birds such as crows, chickens, and larger. Feral cats
don't waste their time and energy hunting birds when rodents are much
easier prey. House cats let outside rarely catch birds unless you are
so stupid as to place bird feeders close to shrubbery and hanging from
tree branches, they are much luckier at catching flying insects;
butterfies, and slow/low flying beetles, also grasshoppers and small
frogs/lizards... my feral cats spend a lot of time snatching small
fish from my creek but won't dare mess with Canada geese and wild
turkeys, they leave the creek immediately when storks, cranes, herons,
and egrets arrive. The biggest killer of song birds by far are window
strikes... there is much info on line:
All my windows are protected with decals and hanging CDs.