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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

On 11/18/2016 11:08 AM, Bruce wrote:
>>> But a senator from New York is above all that?

>> Oh, hell, no. They're both equally flawed, each in their own way.

> No, they're not. One is your usual 2-faced politician.

Ignorantly short shrift, she is the ALL TIME most corrupt American
politician ever!

> The other one is
> a ruthless narcissist that shouldn't be at the head of a supermarket let
> alone a country.

Funny thing, almost anyone who has worked for him says otherwise:

On Sunday, Donald Trump shared a video featuring William Campudoni, a
professional boxer who worked for Trump in the 1980s. Campudoni told the
story of how he, a destitute man in his 20s who was abused as a child
and nearly homeless, was hired off the street by Trump and maintained a
close relationship with the Trump family.

Campudoni described the diverse workforce hired by Trump himself, and
said that everyone was treated as family. He then elaborated how he
looked up to Trump as a role model for raising his own family and said
that Trump led him to discover his inner worth and purpose. Campudoni
believes that Trump can change the United States, just like he changed him.

> Maybe the right to vote should be made dependent on some basic
> education. And maybe a quick alcohol and drugs test just before voting.

Auztards are fascists at heart.