On 11/18/2016 1:36 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 7:47:14 AM UTC-10, Sqwertz wrote:
>> On 11/18/2016 9:37 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>>>>> "The last 16 years have been just swell. We can choose to have more of
>>>>> the same or we can opt for something a little more exciting. In the last
>>>>> 8 years, America has seen the greatest social change since the War for
>>>>> States Rights (as our friends down South might say.) 2017 could be the
>>>>> year we blow everything up. Everybody says "it can't happen here" but
>>>>> they're going to have to eat those words.
>>>> The only thing being blown up is massive systemic corruption.
>>>> About time, doncha think?
>>> Mostly I deal with the facts.
>> That helps.
>>> I don't see any reason to add to the hill of beans by handing out my personal preferences in these matters.
>> Yet you just alluded to it.
> I allude to nothing.
Heck, you came right out and said this is it - massive change!
> I want to keep people in the dark as to what my politics and religion
I'm good with that.
> That's damn good policy right there!
Tis indeed!
> My allusion is your illusion.
That depends on how good a guesser I am.