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johnny smithers johnny smithers is offline
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Default Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Gary wrote:
>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> He was telling his racist supporters to stop harassing minorities.
>>>> He has no racist supporters, fool.
>>> Are you claiming that absolutely none of the millions of people
>>> who voted for Trump is a racist?

>> There are plenty of racists on both sides. I work with some and they
>> disgust me. You wouldn't believe some of the racist comments I've heard.

> Anyone with an iota of intellect realizes that everyone is a racist to
> some degree. Racism is actually an assinine discussion simply because
> it's so difficult to define something so dynamic, it's really not so
> black and white. Racism will be far less problematic when it becomes
> acceptable/PC to admit one's racial preferences publicly, same as
> admitting which flavor ice cream one prefers. I prefer vanilla ice
> cream but I don't like French vanilla because of the yellow tinge and
> puddinglike texture from eggs... I'll enjoy chocolate too but it's not
> my first choice. I don't care what race a woman is, I don't notice
> her race, I only notice her breasts because in the final analysis
> that's what attracts me most, if she has great boobs I don't care if
> she's striped like a zebra or splotched like a giraffe so long as she
> has a good complexion, regardless of race I look for a clear
> complexion. I don't care what race a man is, I don't like any men, I
> dislike them all equally because they are simultaneously fickle,
> competitive, dishonest, and egotesticle... generally females are more
> emotionally profound, typically men are emotionally shallow... the
> majority of male's emotion is no more complex than a TV remote. And
> therein lies the reason why Trump won the presidency, he's
> better/quicker at connecting with the palatte of human emotions than
> Sir Hillary. That's what made Trump so absurdly wealthy, his uncanny
> ability to recognize emotion and communicate emotionally from a
> position of strength, unlike most people who when they become
> emotional turn into quivering jelly.

Yep, as long as they are dark skinned (negro or darker),
have huge gigantic titties, with long, thick tough nipples
that will stand up to hard use on the farm, the brooklyn man
and myself want the same kind of woman. Hefty, sturdy, thick
skinned. With huge tits.