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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Come Back, Julie Bove !!!

On 11/19/2016 11:55 AM, Dave Smith wrote:

>>>> Come back to Julie !!! We all miss you and hope this
>>>> message finds you and that you are well. We all wish you'd come back.
>>>> The group isn't the same without you. We've learned our lesson.
>>>> Please reconsider participating in again. You won't
>>>> be sorry. Thank you for listening !!!!
>>> Yeah, everyone will be nice. Sure they will

>> The troll certainly accomplished exactly what it hoped for.

> You have probably noticed that the people who always felt compelled to
> defend Julie are the same people who keep bringing her up in a pretty
> obvious attempt to troll.

Everyone know you hated her and everyone knows you and that vicious
Canuck Lucrezia used to tag team her.

You vermin are something heartless Cindy should have to deal with.