Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving
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Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving
On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:40:10 -0700, U.S. Janet B. >
>On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:59:54 -0400,
>>On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 15:14:44 -0500 (EST), Cheryl
> wrote:
>>>"cshenk" > Wrote in message:.
>>>> I am going to wait and see how he does. There was so much yellow
>>>> politics, it was very muddled.
>>>> For example in reality, Trumps companies have a higher than average
>>>> 'minority' executive component who are paid the same. He also has a
>>>> higher than average female executive component than average and they
>>>> are paid the same.
>>>> I don't know what to expect really but it's happened and I am going to
>>>> sit back and watch.
>>>Where did you find the information about Trump paying minorities
>>> and women the same as men? Do you have a cite?
>>It would be really surprising - I see he finallly settled paying
>>$25million to the contractors he ripped off!
>no, that was so he wouldn't have to testify (before inaugeration) at
>trial over Trump university fraud charges. He settled out of court
>for $25 million which means he was never found guilty of anything
>Janet US
Yes, I knew it was to make it go away but also there was no guilty/not
guilty side to it apparently. It does not imply admission but I also
don't believe even a wealthy man forks out $25 mill. without a very
pressing reason
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