Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving
On 2016-11-19 7:14 PM,
> I think you're totally missing the point. Most are not protesting
> that Clinton didn't win, although she has more than 1.3 million votes
> than trump and counting, they're protesting the lying scumbag who
> won. They hate that now we'll have rampant racism, misogyny,
> xenophobia and we'll all be living in a caliphate. It's already
> starting. trump's cabinet picks are ugly souled, just like him. The
> only people who will count are fat, old white men. The White House
> isn't grand enough for him. He lied through his teeth through the
> whole election process and I can't wait for all his supporters to
> realize they were duped.
I am sure it sucks, and a lot of people in the US should be embarrassed
by their election of that idiot. Look back a couple of weeks and Trump's
comments about whether or not he would accept the results of the
election and how Clinton supporters were concerned that Trump's
supporters would protest, and how wrong that would be. Here we are post
election and the Clinton's supporters are doing exactly what they
thought the Trumpeters would be so wrong to do.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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