On Sun, 20 Nov 2016 12:18:55 +1100, Bruce >
>In article >,
>> On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:14:14 -0800 (PST),
>> wrote:
>> >I think you're totally missing the point. Most are not protesting that Clinton didn't win, although she has more than 1.3 million votes than trump and counting, they're protesting the lying scumbag who won. They hate that now we'll have rampant racism, misogyny, xenophobia and we'll all be living in a caliphate. It's already starting. trump's cabinet picks are ugly souled, just like him. The only people who will count are fat, old white men. The White House isn't
>grand enough for him. He lied through his teeth through the whole election process and I can't wait for all his supporters to realize they were duped.
>> >
>> >Denise in NH
>> I actually feel sorry for some of them - they were so desperate
>> because their jobs were gone they believed him when he said he would
>> bring the jobs back for them, they are in for a terrible
>> disappointment. It's probably the nastiest side of him, to take
>> advantage of them.
>Clinton told the "people" she was against trade agreements and wanted to
>create more jobs and then she'd turn around and tell corporations she
>was for trade agreements. That's why you should have been for Bernie
>"Honest Man" Sanders and not for Hillary "Crooked Woman" Clinton.
I'm Canadian, I didn't have a vote and I wouldn't say I was for
Hillary, but I think along with most of the world, I was against Trump
although at first I thought it was a joke and couldn't possibly