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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Stirring the pot... was : Goodbye and good riddance...

On 2016-11-20 9:56 AM, wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Nov 2016 09:48:42 -0500, Dave Smith

>>> You might note that the droolers are the sado-masochists who
>>> "befriended" Julie to have her gratify their own appetites.

>> Bingo. They are mostly compulsive posters who had an excuse to tap out a
>> few words without having to use their brains. Every once in a while they
>> try to stir things up but it hasn't worked. There is a certain irony to
>> their past history of protecting Julie from abuse and then trying to
>> incite negative comments about her. That is the shameful work of
>> passive aggressive personalities at play.

> Don't know how you come up with that Dave, but then you are keeping
> good company!

I didn't think it was that hard to see. We had someone here who had a
compulsion to post stuff that annoyed a number of people who called her
on her bullshit, and there was a small group who felt compelled to
defend her from what they thought was abuse, and they claimed that we
would attack her even if she wasn't here. That didn't happen. She left
the group. Since she was no longer posting so people stopped attacking
her on the content of her posts. He little fan club had no one to
protect anymore, so nothing much to satisfy their own compulsion to post.

On several occasions these same people have posted about her, which I
think is a blatant attempt to get people talking about her, basically
inviting people to make negative comments about her. They aren't going
to make negative comments about her themselves. Instead, they set bait
for other people to do that. Perhaps they miss having someone here is
is more pathetic than themselves.