Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving
On 11/20/2016 6:34 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> History has seen the rise and fall of many empires. Good people get
>> things going and they expand and remain viable for a while, and then
>> something happens to make them crumble. I am afraid that Trump might set
>> of a really unfortunate chain of events.
> Trump is the least likely person in all of history to be a loser. I
> met his father and The Donald in the early '60s, I could see their
> buildings from my High School and walked by every day as they were
> being built. The Donald was a tall string bean then but he was very
> personable. Since he lived in Queens he was a distance so we didn't
> get friendly... to Brooklynites Queens was considered faggot territory
> in the '50s/'60s. Obviously The Donald is no fag.
Cool story, thanks!