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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default The dreaded "green bean casserole"

"KenK" > wrote in message
> notbob > wrote in news:e9c0o9Fp18bU1
>> After 68 yrs, I finally caved!
>> We had a early pot-luck Thanksgiving dinner at our common lodge. At
>> least two ppl made that green bean monstrosity we always joke about.
>> I tried the best looking of the two. Damned if it wasn't actually
>> tasty! Who knew!? Not that I'll ever make it, but now I understand
>> why it remains so popular. Trailer-trash cuisine at its best!
>> nb

> I've never tried it. I don't care for green beans. Do the other
> components diguise the green bean taste or is it still obvious?
> I'm too cheap to make one to find out in case I don't like it.

If you don't like green beans, no reason to make it, but I'm sure you could
try it at any number of places during the holidays. I feel that way about
any kind of sweet potato, yam, or beet, but I do make them for others since
they like them. If it was just me, those three items would would never enter
my house.

