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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

In article >,
lid says...
> > > Of course not all, but those are just the plain statistics.

> >
> > No, what they are is a clumsy comparison of two sets of unrelated
> > statistics from separate sources. Which is why your link ends with
> >
> > "Mandatory caveat: Correlation never implies causation. It?s possible
> > some of these matches are a coincidence, particularly in cases in which
> > the statistical relationships are weaker. And extrapolating results from
> > broad geographic data always carries a significant chance of error".

> What that means is that they may not have voted a certain way BECAUSE of
> their education level. But it doesn't change the fact that the higher a
> person's education level, the more likely they were to vote REMAIN.

Here's an example of how wrong your link is. It claims

"People in areas where many residents have college degrees were far
more likely to vote ?Remain,? . Hosting a sizable immigrant population
seemed to sway communities against leaving in the European Union, and
denser cities tended against ?Leave? overall."

Yet here's what actually happened in exactly such an area;

The densely populated North West of England cities ( high migrant
populations, a high university-educated population, a high number of
working class people). 53 per cent of the region backed LEAVE.
