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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Nothing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

In article > , Janet
> In article >,
> lid says...

> > What that means is that they may not have voted a certain way
> > BECAUSE of
> > their education level. But it doesn't change the fact that the higher a
> > person's education level, the more likely they were to vote REMAIN.
> >

> Here's an example of how wrong your link is. It claims
> "People in areas where many residents have college degrees were far
> more likely to vote ?Remain,? . Hosting a sizable immigrant population
> seemed to sway communities against leaving in the European Union, and
> denser cities tended against ?Leave? overall."
> Yet here's what actually happened in exactly such an area;
> The densely populated North West of England cities ( high migrant
> populations, a high university-educated population, a high number of
> working class people). 53 per cent of the region backed LEAVE.

Maybe the high number of working class people was responsible for that.
Also, do you know what a "trend" is in statistics?