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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Pressure cookers

On 2016-11-22, koko > wrote:
> I'm checking out pressure cookers. The main reason I want a pressure
> cooker is for cooking beans so I don't need a large one.

Two myths I'd love to dispel.

One: I also bought a pressure cooker to cook beans, although at 156 ft
above sea level (SFBA), I hardly needed one. Now that I reside at
about 8K ft, turns out I still don't like pressure cooked beans.
Despite not pre-soaking them over night, the bean pulp still came out
very "waxy" in texture and I've never used my pressure cooker fer
beans, ever again. This is weird, as I like canned beans and do not
understand why canned beans have a non-waxy texture. Maybe cuz canned
beans are usually made with fresh beans instead of dry beans.
Otherwise, canned beans are nothing but water, beans, and salt,
pressure cooked inside their own cans.

The 2nd myth: do NOT buy a 4qt/L cooker. Get at least a 5 qt/L
vessel. I have a Kuhn-Rikon 5 qt cooker and I love it. I use the
unpressurized vessel to cook all my beans and other dishes (soups,
pasta, etc). I sometimes wish I'd bought a larger vessel. It is my
personal opinion FIVE (qt/L) is the very smallest vessel you should
