Thread: Safe defrosting
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Safe defrosting

On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 20:11:06 -0800 (PST), "
> wrote:

>On Monday, November 21, 2016 at 1:53:42 PM UTC-6, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> itsjoannotjoann wrote:
>> >>
>> >I honestly don't remember my mother ever defrosting a turkey.
>> >She's put it in the oven, low temperature, with water in the
>> >pan and covered.

>> Oh yeah... with giblets, neck, unplucked pin feathers, all that excess
>> fat, clingy guts, appetizing blood clots, and no seasoning other than
>> that big honkin' liver. yik! Did she at least remove it from the
>> plastic bag? She could have saved a lot of effort by simply bringing
>> it home frozen and tossing it directly in the trash. Some people
>> really should celebrate Thanksgiving Texass Style with Super Deluxe
>> Turkey Lurky Corn Dogs:
>> Or just let Joe Schmo cater your Holiday Feast. . .
>> YUM!

>Good grief! Do you EVER think before sitting down and start
>pounding out silly, ignorant, and hateful posts? Or is your
>pea brain just used to keep your ears separated?
>Of course the giblet bag and neck were removed from the turkey
>cavity. It was rinsed, inside and out before placed in the
>pan. Yep, it was as hard as a rock but it got a 'shower' before
>meeting the pan.

Bullshit, you'd need a jack hammer and a chainsaw to remove the giblet
packet from a frozen turkey... it's difficult to remove the giblet
packet from an almost fully thawed turkey, I know because I've been
faced with that dilemma a few times, takes many minutes under running
water to loosen it. Fully frozen, no way jose, a gobbler OB-GYN can't
even splay her frigid thighs... your fercocktah story wins the fairy
tale of the month award.