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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Ingredient Weight Chart by King Arthur

"Cindy Hamilton" wrote in message

On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at 2:20:53 PM UTC-5, U.S. Janet B. wrote:

> Wrong. "Generally" and cup of flour weighs 4.5 ounces. Depending
> upon the type of flour, to be precise, the weight can go from 4.25
> ounces to 4.75 ounces. If you have a recipe for bread that calls for
> 6 cups of white flour, you should use 27 ounces of white flour. If,
> on the other hand, you think that a cup of flour should weigh 5
> ounces, you have over added flour by 3 ounces -- almost 3/4 of a cup
> more. Then you add a generous amount of bench flour and you could
> be up over a cup of flour. That flour sucks up liquid and makes your
> bread dry as a finished product and stales more quickly. A lot of
> people think that home made bread should be that way because that is
> the way home made bread is -- "hearty."
> Another way many make bread is by feel, adding flour as they go along
> until it seems right. You want to add all the flour at once so that
> all the flour becomes hydrated at the same time. Adding as you go
> along means that you run the risk of the dough being too dry as the
> last flour sucks up more liquid than you had planned on.
> Janet US

I don't make bread, but I do occasionally make pizza crust. The
person who taught me (and gave me the recipe that I more-or-less
follow) said, "For this recipe, don't use any bench flour. When
it's been kneaded enough, it'll hold together and come up off
the board with just a little encouragement from a bench scraper".

He's right. It make a very soft dough (overnight rise) that's
a little tricky to stretch into a pizza crust, but it's absolutely

Cindy Hamilton


Well done I always make our pizzas but it seems rare to hear of anyone
else making their own

Just a matter of taste I suppose.
