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Default Ingredient Weight Chart by King Arthur

On Wed, 23 Nov 2016 12:06:44 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

> On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 at 2:20:53 PM UTC-5, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> > Wrong. "Generally" and cup of flour weighs 4.5 ounces. Depending
> > upon the type of flour, to be precise, the weight can go from 4.25
> > ounces to 4.75 ounces. If you have a recipe for bread that calls for
> > 6 cups of white flour, you should use 27 ounces of white flour. If,
> > on the other hand, you think that a cup of flour should weigh 5
> > ounces, you have over added flour by 3 ounces -- almost 3/4 of a cup
> > more. Then you add a generous amount of bench flour and you could
> > be up over a cup of flour. That flour sucks up liquid and makes your
> > bread dry as a finished product and stales more quickly. A lot of
> > people think that home made bread should be that way because that is
> > the way home made bread is -- "hearty."
> > Another way many make bread is by feel, adding flour as they go along
> > until it seems right. You want to add all the flour at once so that
> > all the flour becomes hydrated at the same time. Adding as you go
> > along means that you run the risk of the dough being too dry as the
> > last flour sucks up more liquid than you had planned on.
> > Janet US

> I don't make bread, but I do occasionally make pizza crust. The
> person who taught me (and gave me the recipe that I more-or-less
> follow) said, "For this recipe, don't use any bench flour. When
> it's been kneaded enough, it'll hold together and come up off
> the board with just a little encouragement from a bench scraper".
> He's right. It make a very soft dough (overnight rise) that's
> a little tricky to stretch into a pizza crust, but it's absolutely
> delicious.

Resting is also the trick to pasta dough. It's a bit too sticky right
after you put it together, but let it rest for half an hour and it's

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.