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Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] is offline
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Default All set

The cornbread is baked, the cranberry sauce is made, the onions and
celery are chopped, the turkey is thawed and the giblets and neck have
just been simmered to perfection for broth.
So tomorrow I salt and pepper the turkey inside and out, saute the
vegetables, mix them with the cornbread and bread cubes, season hell
out of the mess with poultry seasoning, salt pepper, sage and just
enough broth, stuff the turkey and pop it into the oven.
I'm serving dinner with asparagus this year. Normally I cook Brussel
The turkey is 13 pounds, and we will have turkey, dressing, gravy,
asparagus, olives and brown and serve rolls. No dessert. Frankly, I
forgot to buy a frozen pumpkin pie but no matter. It's one less thing
to cook.
We will eat what remains for a while. There are only two of us
nowadays, but this particular dinner is mandatory.
Facetime/Skype helps to connect.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
