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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Alternate Methods for Cooking a Prime Rib Roast

On Thu, 24 Nov 2016 10:54:50 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 11/24/2016 9:55 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> These days they seem to cut the beef away from the bone then tie the
>> bones back on. Doesn't make much sense to me. <shrug>
>> I do hope the roast turns out well. Happy Thanksgiving!
>> Jill

>Convenience. I'd guess that 80% of the population could not properly
>slice a roast with bones attached.

It's not the rib bones that're the problem, it's the chine bone.
I have the butcher saw through the chine bone, same with a bone-on
pork loin... then carving is easy... otherwise trying to carve makes a
mess of it and you'll leave a goodly amount of meat on the bones...
you'll have meatier bones but substantially smaller portions. At
fancier butcher shops they automatically saw through the chine bone
but then their prices are much higher. If you ask at the supermarket
they'll saw through the chine bone at no charge, at least that's been
my experience. Sometimes I prefer the ribs removed... when serving
guests there's less meat loss when removing the rib bones from a raw
roast, and most guests are not going to gnaw the bones publicly anyway
so there's even more loss.... then I'd rather have the raw rib bones
for another dish, very good grilled. When tied back on I don't serve
those bones, they're cook's treat. Anyways one way or another you're
paying for those bones so I'd rather have the boned roast and the
bones too.