On 11/27/2016 2:31 PM, dev null wrote:
> "Ophelia":
>> "Sqwerts" wrote in message news
>> On 11/27/2016 1:47 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> Oi, don't you dare tar us all with the same brush ;p
>> Auztard trash are like that.
>> ====================
>> Bruce isn't an Ausie you know, not like nasty jebus!
> Why are you posting this nonsense exchange to aus.politics?
Why NOT?
That's the home froup for Bwuthie and Jebus the shitbag.
> The troll you are responding to is an arrogant US sockpuppet from
> alt.fan.rush-limbaugh plonked/ignored by all the usual political regulars
> in aus.politics.
Does that disqualify you, Astrailer tard?