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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Dinner tonight...

On 2016-11-27 8:28 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/27/2016 6:37 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> it can be frustrating to be travelling and having to deal with absurd
>> prices. It was bad enough for me last year when I was in California and
>> prices were already way higher than I am used to, and then having a high
>> exchange rate to deal with. I can usually get breakfast for under $10
>> around here, but down there it was more like $25.

> Per person? When we go out it is usually $20 to $25 (inc. tip) for a
> really nice meal, like eggs Benedict.

I was translating to Canadian funds and at the time we had a 73 cent
dollar. breakfast around here is usually under $10 with coffee. If you
have to pay extra for coffee it is no more than $1.50. In Newport Beach
and Monterray breakfast was at least $12 US, plus $2.75 for coffee.

>> Denmark was even worse. On a trip there 15 years go we were in a hurry
>> to grab a dinner and then meet some people to go out to a concert. It
>> was hard enough to find a restaurant near our hotel just outside of
>> Copenhagen. We explained that we just wanted a light meal and were in
>> a hurry. My wife ordered a a glass of wine. I ordered water. She
>> thought that sounded good so she asked for water too.... at $10 (Cdn)
>> each. Our quick dinner, which would have been about $50 (Cdn) at home
>> was about $150.

> Europe seems big on pushing expensive water on tourists. We carefully
> avoided it, but is was possible to buy bottled water very cheap where
> the locals shop. Only once did we have a very high priced meal and we
> knew it would be in Firenze. You ay for ambiance in the tourist spots.

When I asked for water I thought I would be getting tap water, which is
quite safe there. We got bottled water at $10 Cdn per bottle.

> OTOH, another day we stopped at a leather goods shop (owned by a former
> Texan) and she directed us to the place they go to. Superb lunch for
> two was about 20 Euro including plenty of the house wine.

On that same trip we had a three course lunch with wine near Verdun that
worked out to about $20 Cdn for two.