Posted to,aus.politics
My thanksgiving dinner
On 11/27/2016 6:06 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Sqwerts wrote in
>> On 11/27/2016 2:20 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Sqwerts" wrote in message news
>>> On 11/27/2016 1:47 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> "Bruce" wrote in message
>>>> T...
>>>> In article >, Gary says...
>>>>> Janet wrote:
>>>>>> In article >, says...
>>>>>>> Anyway, here's the pic submitted for your approval.
>>>>>>> Let the criticism begin. heheh
>>>>>> I hope that poor dog feels better soon.
>>>>>> Janet UK
>>>>> OK, Janet. That was a "wooosh" over my head.
>>>>> What does your comment mean? I'm ready to laugh
>>>>> along with you but WTH are you saying?
>>>> I think she's trying to say that English people aren't used to
>>>> seeing any colour in their food.
>>>> ============
>>>> Oi, don't you dare tar us all with the same brush ;p
>>> Auztard trash are like that.
>>> ====================
>>> Bruce isn't an Ausie you know, not like nasty jebus!
>> He's a Dutch Auztard, which in no way diminishes his sociopathic
>> nature.
> Unless you can recall basic toilet habits as in not take a dump in
> public, you are about to be bozo binned.
Does it hurt?