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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default My thanksgiving dinner

On 2016-11-28 1:49 PM, Gary wrote:

>> One night I dropped it on the floor and it landed flat and shattered
>> into hundreds of thousands of tiny shards. The sound of the
>> shattering was incredible. 3 months later I was still getting tiny
>> shards in my bare feet despite several vacuumings.

> I remember when you said that and I've had a bowl break the same way
> since. Damn things just don't break....they explode on the floor and
> shards go everywhere. What's with that?
> Anyway, I swept the kitchen floor twice, then got down on hands and
> knees and using a damp washcloth, I wiped it all down twice. Still some
> underneath fridge and stove. Not only that, pieces flew into two rooms
> that are carpeted too. (I have two kitchen doorways).
> 30 some years ago a corelle plate shattered and deep cut to my wife's
> ankle. Went to the emergency room where she got 3-4 stitches. These
> things must have not plastic explosives but Plate explosives built in.
> They are like bombs just waiting to be dropped. huhuh

I had a similar experience with a supposedly unbreakable sort of
dishes... Duralex??? The were glass like sets of plates bowls and cups.
I broke one at a friend's place. It fell out of the cupboard, bounced
off the door onto another shelf, them onto the counter, then to the open
door of the dishwasher, then hit the floor, bounced once or twice and
then it shattered into a thousand little pieces.