You wouldn't smear sugar on the lips of a woman you kiss, why put it in tea?
"magnulus" > wrote in message

> Do you put cream in tea?
> I grew up on iced tea and didn't drink hot tea until after living in
> England in the late 80's for a few years growing up. Lots of folks put
> cream and sugar in their tea there, some didn't. I did at first, but then
> learned to like it straight (maybe because it was more like ice tea)- I
> tended to like Earl Grey and Lapsong Soochong.
> I mostly drink green and Oolong teas now but when I drink black tea I
> usually don't put anything in it.
> Now days tea has alot of touted health benefits (amazingly enough, when I
> was younger it was said to be "bad for you"), which probably has kept my
> tea
> drinking at a steady pace (hey, if it's good for you and doesn't taste
> bad... why not? Some days I might drink 5-8 cups of tea). Apparrently,
> adding milk/cream to tea reduces the health benefits from what I've read.