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"Falky foo" > wrote:

> I'd always considered oolong the ******* half-breed of teas and never wanted
> to have anything to do with it but then I ordered 10 different samples from
> Upton and thought what the hell and threw in "se chung oolong" with the
> greens and the whites and it's my favorite! I just can't stop drinking this
> stuff! Somebody help me!

No help required - oolongs are wonderful. Upton has a nice selection. Se Chung
is the least expensive, but it is still pretty good stuff - goes very nicely with
food. Try the Formosa Amber Oolong, the Oolong Finest Grade (Formosa),
and the Tie-Guan-Yin Oolong Imperial (China) for other modestly priced
Oolongs that are very good.

For the time being, I have even given up my nice black breakfast teas, like
Yunnans, in favor of Oolong. To twist a famous quote: "I love the smell of
Oolong in the morning."

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