Thread: Sous Vide steak
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Sous Vide steak

"Cindy Hamilton" wrote in message

On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 3:37:46 PM UTC-5, Roy wrote:

> Of course not...but you'd have to agree that it involves a lot of planning
> ahead. For a single person, I'd say it probably wouldn't be worth it on
> a regular basis. However, if I was retired and had a loving mate to share
> it doubt it would be quite do-able.

I've always felt it seemed a little fussy. I'm content just to slap
my steak on a ripping hot grill and live with the fact that it's
not medium-rare edge-to-edge.

Tonight's dinner: leftover grilled, skinless, boneless chicken breast,
probably sliced and served on a salad of some sort. Or, if I'm
feeling really low-energy, sliced and dropped into a bowl of
hot, buttered, nuked, previously frozen green beans.

Cindy Hamilton

Horses for courses. I love to cook so for me, it is not in the least