Dinner, no pics
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U.S. Janet B.
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Posts: 5,618
Dinner, no pics
On Thu, 01 Dec 2016 15:45:22 -0400,
>On Thu, 01 Dec 2016 10:00:21 -0700, U.S. Janet B. >
>>On Thu, 1 Dec 2016 11:23:38 -0500, Nancy Young
> wrote:
>>>On 11/30/2016 5:12 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Breaded butterflied shrimp (baked), something akin to 'tater tots'
>>>> (Alexia brand, also baked), and steamed broccoli.
>>>> Despite the fact I live in shrimp country, I really am not a fan of
>>>> shrimp unless it's shelled, breaded and fried. Or in this case, baked
>>>> in the oven.
>>>Ron makes shrimp now and then, he does a nice version on the
>>>grill, for one. But I had to tell him, when you say you're making
>>>shrimp for dinner, I'm not going to be all Yay!
>>>I'll eat it, but it's like fish. Bread it, fry it, I'll be happier
>>>eating it. As you say, not a fan.
>>I love the mouth feel, the taste, the aroma of shrimp. I'll eat
>>yours. I can't have any cooked shrimp in the refrigerator. I'll be
>>snacking and sneaking until it is all gone. I pick out the biggest
>>ones for my plate. If there is an odd number of shrimp, I get the
>>extra. Steamed, boiled, baked, grilled, fried -- I don't care.
>>When I was really ill, not able to eat, and thought I might not make
>>it, I said to my husband (while looking at the huge bag of frozen
>>shrimp at Costco) 'If I ever get better, I'm going to have a bag of
>>shrimp like that in my freezer at all times. And I do
>>Janet US
>I'm the same and it has killed me all day having a lovely shrimp ring
>(the large size shrimp) thawing in the fridge for my eldest grandson
>and his wife, they are coming for eats tonight and the shrimp are his
>treat because he has to adjust the shower door for me
Make 'em oatmeal
) They'll never know
Janet US
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U.S. Janet B.
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