Thread: Dinner, no pics
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Sqwertz[_47_] Sqwertz[_47_] is offline
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Default Dinner, no pics

On 12/1/2016 9:02 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Dec 2016 15:46:53 -0400, wrote:
>> On Thu, 01 Dec 2016 12:31:20 -0500, Brooklyn1
>> > wrote:
>>> Taxed and Spent wrote:
>>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>> Taxed and Spent wrote:
>>>>>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>>>>>> The only thing I miss about South Carolina are rock shrimp. That's
>>>>>>> where I learned I could desensitize myself to my shrimp allergy by
>>>>>>> eating just a quarter of a shrimp at a time and doubling the dose
>>>>>>> every other day or so.
>>>>>> Are you still de-sensitized? Er, shrimp-wise, we know the rest.
>>>>>> Seriously, I am curious if it took for good.
>>>>> I have to eat shrimp, lobster, or crab every two weeks or so to keep
>>>>> the immunity up - even if it's just one or two shrimp. If I were to
>>>>> go 4-6 weeks without any I would have a mild to moderate reaction. If
>>>>> I were to go 3-4 months I would have a moderate to severe reaction and
>>>>> would have to go through the desensitizing cycle again.
>>>> That is very interesting. Thanks.
>>> Makes as much sense as my saying I need to eat beef every three days
>>> to remain hung like a bull! LOL

>> No use being hung like that with a mouth like a sewer overhead!

> I hope referring to Sheldon and not me.
> -sw

You need to be anally gang raped by a kennel full of pit bulls, you
****ing lardassed food bank thief!