Thread: Dinner, no pics
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Jeßus[_55_] Jeßus[_55_] is offline
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Default Dinner, no pics

On Fri, 2 Dec 2016 00:17:26 -0600, Sqwertz >

>On Fri, 02 Dec 2016 07:39:21 +1100, Jeßus wrote:
>> On Thu, 1 Dec 2016 15:29:59 -0500, Dave Smith
>> > wrote:
>>>> Apparently, you have not seen the documentary on how Thai shrimp
>>>> farming is destroying the mangroves swamps along the SE Asia coast.
>>>> Or how they keep the shrimp in huge ponds until they are almost dead,
>>>> but are able to harvest due to feeding the shrimp tons o' antibiotics
>>>> to save 'em.
>>>It's called denial. I have seen the videos and I can block them out of
>>>my head.

>> It *is* still possible to buy clean, quality shrimp in S.E Asia. It's
>> not all like such videos depict.

>Exactly. There are plenty of HAACP certified shrimp farms in SE Asia,
>mainly for exporting to the U.S. and Japan. And that's where all mine
>come from (Cambodia, last I looked).
>All those propaganda videos and articles are produced and propagated
>by domestic shrimp farming and harvesting trade groups.
>I avoid U.S. Gulf shrimp and pretty much only buy Asian. I will also
>buy farmed US shrimp from Mississippi and Alabama which are not from
>the Gulf, but raised inland (not that the Mississippi is the cleanest
>river in the world). And Sea of Cortez shrimp are also excellent.

We are lucky here in Tasmania, anything local is clean and safe. The
only problem sometimes is the export markets seem to take precedence
over the local market and sometimes you have to pay more than you
should have to. Fortunately I have enough friends who are keen
fishermen, so I get fresh seafood here and there for nix.