Penzeys Spices put up a letter to America's CEO's.
On 2016-12-03 21:34:38 +0000, cshenk said:
> We stopped using Pensey's after the 3rd email that said we were racists
> if we didnt vote their way.
Do you have a quote to support that? Haven't followed it much but
Penzey's seems to be about condemning a racist candidate, not calling
people racist if they voted for him. In fact they said "In your
defense, most of you did so without thinking of the consequences of
your candidates racism."
> Our group has 5 people and regardless of
> how they voted (and we varied), they were all offended by those initial
> emails. This one stops shy of calling all Americans who voted a way he
> didnt like, a racist.
Maybe all 3 of their email's "stopped short" of this too?
> My dollars are going another direction now.
So it doesn't seem like it was a simple cynical marketing ploy as
someone says upstream. I guess Pensey's CEO/board just want to express
their corporate ideology. Like Hobby Lobby, a corporation, wanted to
express their religious and/or birth control viewpoint.
It's great that corporations are free to state their views, and
customers are free to punish them for it. It's the American way! I
wish more would as it would help me in all my consumer decisions.